To configure Cudo Miner automatically you will need to create an RC config file in the following location;
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Cudo Miner.cudo_minerrc
- macOS: /usr/local/cudo-miner/.cudo_minerrc
- Linux: /etc/cudo_minerrc
(Note this file will not be visible in program files until you create it. This can be done in a file editor or simply created in notepad if you are using Windows and saved as a .cudo_minerrc file in the correct location above.)
An RC file is a configuration file where you can set options to configure Cudo Miner automatically. With an RC file you can for example; set an access key, which lets you authenticate a device with an organization-generated key or you can set an org name in order to switch the device to work for another organization.
Commonly used options to configure the RC file using INI format:
device-name – friendly device name used in console, default is device hostname
org – switch the device to work from another organization, accepts a username
config-id – switch the device configuration, accepts config identifier
access-key – authenticate the device with an organization generated key
device-labels – comma-separated device labels appended to the device startup
More options you can use to configure the RC file:
- store-path – directory path for writing state files
- registry-path – directory path for storage of workload binaries
- registry-expiry-hours – prune registry items that have been unused in a specific number of hours, default: ‘720’ (30 days)
- cooldown-period – time in milliseconds to wait after shutting down workloads, default ‘3000’ (3 seconds)
For example:
- device-name=miner3
- org=cudominerorg
- cooldown-period=9000