Category | Topics |
Cudo MinerCudo Miner Desktop installation instructions, information guides, common issues, and troubleshooting steps. Please provide detailed information when you report an issue. Cudo Miner software and desktop application-related topics only.
WindowsWindows installation instructions, information guides, common issues, and troubleshooting steps. Please provide detailed information when you report an issue. Windows related topics only.
LinuxLinux installation instructions (Cudo Miner only), information guides, common issues, and troubleshooting steps. Please be aware we don’t offer support on Linux OS itself. Linux (Ubuntu) related topics only.
CudoOSCudoOS installation instructions, information guides, common issues, and troubleshooting steps. Please provide detailed information when you report an issue. CudoOS related topics only.
ConsoleWeb console related topics only, including MFA and referrals. Walkthrough instructions, and account setup.
Hardware settingsGeneral discussion, tips, advice, and suggestions on hardware settings for supported GPUs and ASICs. For example, recommended overclocking settings (tested)
Payment & WithdrawalsTopics relating to our payment system and withdrawals.